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At the end of Year 11, students who chose our IB Pathway and find that is not for them can transition into an individualised alternate pathway program. With more flexibility and less intensive study than the full IB Diploma, a VET/IB combination pathway is a great option for students who may be overwhelmed or struggle with the rigour of the IBDP. This pathway allows students to gain the learner attributes and core skills developed by International Baccalaureate studies through a selection of units that best suit their future goals, while completing a VET certification that helps them get where they want to go. These two qualifications combined ensure students still meet the educational requirements to obtain their GCE while developing the skills and knowledge to achieve an ATAR score that will gain entry into future tertiary studies.


Commencing in 2025, students can choose to take a VET pathway in Year 11 through our QCE program. Students must study English, General Mathematics, and two (2) other General subject to receive a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). They, then can choose to study one or two certificates.

IES College offers a range of Certificate III, IV and Diploma to be studied through TAFE QLD.

Student achievement in accredited vocational education modules is based on industry-endorsed competency standards and is recorded on the Queensland Certificate of Education. The Queensland Certificate of Education is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), and this may give advanced standing towards a traineeship or apprenticeship and/or credit on entry to courses at TAFE institutes and other registered training organisations. Courses at Certificate III and above may be used in the calculation of a student’s ATAR.

Discover the possibilities at IES College today.